How it Works

 Every day for 30 days you’ll receive a link to a new and different activity to get you to your goal. Some activities will ask you to answer a question, others will get you to watch a video and some will be exercises. All are designed to be fun, interactive and progressive. And each includes a pdf to download. 

When you’ve finished an activity, report back to us and we’ll send you the link and password for the next activity. Note: you will not be able to get the next activity until the next morning, so there’s no point in trying to skip ahead. 

We’ll be tracking everyone’s progress so you can see how you compare to your peers. We’ll be rating each participant based on the following qualifications:

  •  Speed/Diligence/Progress
  •  Thoroughness 
  •  Fun/Enjoyment
  •  Ideas, Feedback and Input